A Mars tunneling work-crew uncovers a mysterious alien spacecraft. Jason Riggs leads a perilous expedition into the uncharted depths of the ship where they discover two stasis pods. One chamber holds the remains of a male; the other harbors a faint outline of a two thousand year old female entombed in plasmatic energy driven by a stasis field generator. They named them Adam and Eve.
Eve awakens on Earth and escapes her confinement. She must locate a special antidote to combat the aftereffects of her prolonged stasis, or she will die.
In a race against mortality, Eve turns to the only ally she dares confide in, Jason Riggs. Explicit information about the file and Earth coordinates to her life-saving serum leads him back to the alien ship on Mars. But as Eve succumbs to her illness, a band of ruthless mercenaries ambushes them, seizing her file, setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown. Riggs must find the antidote and recover the data file while the clock ticks as Eve lies on her deathbed…
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